
2013  “Digital Circulation and the Art of Repetition in Ghana’s Azonto Dance Craze.” American Ethnologist 40:2 (forthcoming in May 2013)

2013  Living the Hiplife: Celebrity and Entrepreneurship in Ghanaian Popular Music. Duke University Press

2012   Sonic Work: Music, Labor, Value. Volume co-Editor w/ Marina Peterson, Special Issue of Journal of Popular Music Studies,

2010  Ethics of Scale: Relocating Politics After Liberation. Volume Editor, Special Issue of Anthropological Quarterly,

2009   “Comedians, Pastors, and the Miraculous Agency of Charisma in Ghana,” Cultural Anthropology August

2009  “Aesthetic of the Entrepreneur: Afro-Cosmopolitan Rap and Moral Circulation in Accra, Ghana,” Anthropological Quarterly Autumn

2004  “’The Best Tradition Goes On:’ Popular Theatre and Televised Soap in Neoliberal Ghana,” in Producing African Futures: Ritual and Reproduction in a Neoliberal Age, Brad Weiss ed. Leiden: Brill Press

2004  “From Visuality to Postcolonial African Politics.” Public Culture 16:1